Contact us
DIANNE is the sole designer and also the artisan who cut, sewed and assembled your bag. There is no factory or manufacturing middle man.
DIANNE is the sole designer and also the artisan who cut, sewed and assembled your bag. There is no factory or manufacturing middle man.
Vegan leather materials used in DIANNE V bags have a similar look, texture and feel to traditional leather, but are not made from the skins of animals. DV uses only premium polyurethane coated materials sourced from companies in Italy and Spain that adhere to the highest standards of quality and innovation. Not only does vegan leather make you look good, it also makes you feel good because it’s cruelty-free.
Vegan leather materials used in DIANNE V bags have a similar look, texture and feel to traditional leather, but are not made from the skins of animals. DV uses only premium polyurethane coated materials sourced from companies in Italy and Spain that adhere to the highest standards of quality and innovation. Not only does vegan leather make you look good, it also makes you feel good because it’s cruelty-free.
DIANNE V bags are produced in very small batches. If the item you have ordered is in inventory, it should ship within 48 hours. If the item is made to order or custom, you can anticipate one to three weeks time for production. Please contact us if you want a more specific estimate of delivery time.
DIANNE V bags are produced in very small batches. If the item you have ordered is in inventory, it should ship within 48 hours. If the item is made to order or custom, you can anticipate one to three weeks time for production. Please contact us if you want a more specific estimate of delivery time.
Have a question, or want a product recommendation? Get in touch.